1-on-1 Remote Hypnotherapy

Find Relief After Surgery: Hypnotherapy for Pain Management

Hypnotherapy for Post-surgical Pain is an effective way to find relief & regain control of your life. Act Now.

No-obligation Consult with Bob

Bob Lane Hypnotherapy in Sunshine Coast

Bob Lane

40+ Years of Professional Experience

Generating results for patients worldwide!


Welcome to Act Now Hypnosis, where we specialize in providing effective hypnotherapy services for individuals experiencing post-surgical pain. Led by Bob Lane, our goal is to help you manage and reduce discomfort following surgery, facilitating a smoother and more comfortable recovery process.

Don’t Worry, You’re in Good Hands

Hypnosis won’t cause you to be trapped in a state of trance. Hypnosis is a process that deepens naturally occurring trances; you’re never forced into this state.

Even if your hypnotherapist is incapacitated during the session, or your Internet connection drops while you’re in a trance, you would naturally come out of your trance. In most cases, you would enter a normal sleep cycle, and wake up naturally, feeling extremely refreshed.

As with all hypnosis, if your hypnotherapist makes a suggestion that makes you uncomfortable or is dangerous to you in any way, your subconscious (whose primary function is your survival) will bring you straight out of hypnosis.

Is Online Hypnotherapy Right for Me?

Online hypnosis might be a good choice if you

Understanding Post-surgical Pain

Post-surgical pain is a common experience following various types of surgeries. Managing this pain effectively is crucial for proper healing and recovery. Hypnotherapy offers a complementary approach to traditional pain management techniques, focusing on both the physical and psychological aspects of post-surgical discomfort.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help

Hypnotherapy provides a unique approach to managing post-surgical pain. Bob Lane uses relaxation techniques, guided imagery, and positive suggestion to address the psychological components of pain. This process can help reduce perceived pain intensity, enhance relaxation, and promote a positive mindset, which are essential for recovery.

Our Approach at Act Now Hypnosis

Our sessions are tailored to your specific needs and recovery goals. Bob Lane creates a supportive and calming environment, allowing you to explore and address factors contributing to your post-surgical pain. The therapy focuses on enhancing your overall comfort and well-being during the recovery period.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Post-surgical Pain

Hypnotherapy offers several benefits:

  • Reduction in the intensity and frequency of post-surgical pain.
  • Enhanced relaxation and stress reduction, which can aid in healing.
  • Improved sleep quality, crucial for recovery.
  • Coping strategies for managing pain and discomfort.

Accelerate Recovery

Getting Started with Act Now Hypnosis

At Act Now Hypnosis, we are dedicated to supporting your journey to recovery following surgery. With Bob Lane’s expertise in hypnotherapy, you can find effective ways to manage post-surgical pain, enhancing your comfort and speeding up the healing process. Contact us today to begin your path to a more comfortable and swift recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hypnotherapy targets the subconscious mind to influence pain perception, promoting relaxation and pain relief.

While not a standalone treatment, hypnotherapy is an effective complementary approach alongside medical pain management strategies.

Expect a relaxing session focused on pain management and promoting a positive recovery experience.

The number of sessions varies based on individual needs and the extent of the surgical procedure. Bob Lane will develop a personalized treatment plan for you.

Yes, hypnotherapy is effective in managing anxiety and stress associated with surgical procedures and recovery.

Break free from your limiting beliefs!

Your transformation begins with the very first session with Hypnotherapist Bob Lane.