1-on-1 Remote Hypnotherapy

Swim Fearlessly: Overcome Aquaphobia with Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis for Fear of Water or Swimming is an effective way to recover from the incidents & regain control of your life. Act Now.

No-obligation Consult with Bob

Bob Lane Hypnotherapy in Sunshine Coast

Bob Lane

40+ Years of Professional Experience

Generating results for patients worldwide!


Welcome to Act Now Hypnosis, where we specialize in helping individuals overcome their fear of water and swimming. Under the expert guidance of Bob Lane, our hypnotherapy sessions aim to empower you with confidence and ease around water, enabling you to enjoy aquatic activities without fear.

Don’t Worry, You’re in Good Hands

Hypnosis won’t cause you to be trapped in a state of trance. Hypnosis is a process that deepens naturally occurring trances; you’re never forced into this state.

Even if your hypnotherapist is incapacitated during the session, or your Internet connection drops while you’re in a trance, you would naturally come out of your trance. In most cases, you would enter a normal sleep cycle, and wake up naturally, feeling extremely refreshed.

As with all hypnosis, if your hypnotherapist makes a suggestion that makes you uncomfortable or is dangerous to you in any way, your subconscious (whose primary function is your survival) will bring you straight out of hypnosis.

Is Online Hypnotherapy Right for Me?

Online hypnosis might be a good choice if you

Understanding Fear of Water/Swimming

Fear of water, or aquaphobia, can significantly restrict enjoyment of swimming and other water-based activities. This fear can stem from past experiences, learned anxieties, or a lack of familiarity with water. Addressing this fear is crucial for safely enjoying recreational and life-saving water activities.

Hypnosis for Fear of Water or Swimming

How Hypnotherapy Can Help

Hypnotherapy provides an effective approach to overcoming the fear of water and swimming. Bob Lane uses techniques to access the subconscious mind, where fears and anxieties are deeply rooted. Through guided relaxation and positive visualization, he helps to reframe your perception of water, reducing fear and promoting a sense of safety and control.

Our Approach at Act Now Hypnosis

At Act Now Hypnosis, we provide personalized hypnotherapy sessions tailored to your specific fears and experiences related to water and swimming. Bob Lane offers a supportive environment for you to safely address and overcome your fears. Our therapy focuses on empowering you with confidence and the mental tools to enjoy water-based activities.

Hypnosis for Fear of Water or Swimming

Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Fear of Water/Swimming

Hypnotherapy offers several benefits:


  • Reduces anxiety and fear associated with water.
  • Enhances comfort and safety while swimming.
  • Alleviates physical symptoms of fear, such as panic attacks.
  • Improves overall enjoyment of aquatic activities.

Getting Started with Act Now Hypnosis

If you’re struggling with a fear of water or swimming, Act Now Hypnosis is here to support you. Under Bob Lane’s expert care, you can overcome your fear and enjoy the pleasure and benefits of water activities. Contact us today to start your journey to a confident and enjoyable relationship with water.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hypnotherapy targets the subconscious drivers of aquaphobia, promoting a more confident and relaxed approach to water and swimming.

Hypnotherapy can be effective for various levels of fear, offering a path to overcoming aquaphobia and enjoying water activities.

Expect a relaxing, supportive session where Bob uses hypnotherapy to guide your recovery from the fear of water and swimming.

The number of sessions varies based on individual needs. Bob Lane will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Yes, hypnotherapy can help manage anxiety related to specific water environments, providing tools for relaxation and confidence.

Break free from your limiting beliefs!

Your transformation begins with the very first session with Hypnotherapist Bob Lane.